Our Team
Chris Dupuis
I grew up on the farm and my summers were always a busy time and I loved the life. In this day and age, a young farmer always needs an off-farm job as well, so after high school I pursued a welding career. This led to employment for a few years but after one of my employers went bankrupt, I felt the loss of a job and wages. It was heading into the fall so I decided to just help out during fall harvest.
That is when I heard about powder coating and quickly realized there was not much information about the process in this province. I ended up in Tennessee in 2017 where I immediately felt a connection to learning this system. Once the ball was rolling a whole lot had to happen quickly to make room for a 20’ oven and paint booth. We scrambled to clear out our existing shop and make it happen in time for the equipment to arrive and get installed. We also purchased a plasma cutter and set up our own sandblasting area. There is a lot to learn but we have come a long way in a few years in order to give the best custom finishes and durability. Our priority is making each customer a satisfied one.

Matt Robinson
I came from a small town and grew up heavily involved in sports. I ended up getting my first job in a sports store, but , later I decided to go to college and pursue a career in woodworking. I did not know at the time what kind of woodworking but I did enjoy it. Later when I became married to Chris’ sister Kelley and along with our 3 children we live on the farm also. I had an interest in the plasma cutter and wanted to learn how to operate it and so I became involved in the business too. Again , lots of learning and mistakes under your belt to learn something new is never easy but now it has become very satisfying to take a customers idea and design it and see it realized when it gets cut out on the plasma. I have been able to transfer some of the woodworking skills into steel cutting skills. Our priority is to get prompt accurate service for our customers.